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A Journey from Anxiety to Enlightenment

 by Michael Jason Sherman

A powerful, hilarious, honest account of a life changing "solo" to Japan.

A memoir surrounded by spiritual principles that guide the solo traveler in all of us.

"Expertly weaving Eastern philosophy, vision questing and universal spiritual principles, Michael Jason Sherman best of all bares his soul, sharing his deepest vulnerability, wisdom and love." 

- Barry Vissell, M.D., author of 7 popular books, along with his wife, Joyce, (

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A trip to the other side of the world

That changed one man's life in 2005 and now many, many more all over the globe.

What this book does is propel you forward into the unknown, with a voice that commands your heart and reminds you of pulse and power of Kerouac - if he found his way to Asia -  but it is something completely different altogether. It presents the road as kind of medicine to heal anxiety itself. 

As stated on the back cover of the book, "Adopt a baby or get divorced. Either decision would get Michael Jason Sherman in a world of trouble." This book hits at the personal dilemma living inside all of us, and lets the journey ring like a zen koan from the inside out, all over the bright lights of Tokyo and beyond. 

Michael's journey was an experiment of trust --- holding to a belief that a brief visit to another part of the world for a while can help you discover a new dimension of yourself. It is a journey you ought to know for yourself.

This book is a new way of seeing your own life. Solo. Away from home.

And always keeping it moving....

"What a fascinating, gripping, frenetic, hilarious book. Michael is a Miracle.  This book turns suffering into strength."

- Diane Stern, Co-Founder of SOUL Foundation (Supporting Oppurtunities for Ugandans to Learn), a family run on the ground charity in Uganda 

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