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will greatly improve
your thinking,
your communication
and your decision making
in life and at work...  


The world we live in is asking a lot from us right now. Our lives are filled with triggers into severe stress and emotional reactivity in every corner. Whether we struggle in chronic relationship issues with loved ones, or we are stuck in survival mode at work, things are very tough all around. But for a lot of us, it's secretly even tougher. 


Many of us have experienced real and lasting trauma in our past, and are living with the consequences every day. Others do not notice how we process internally. They don't see how much work it is just to feel normal, just to feel like we can exist in our own minds and bodies. We put on a mask of behaviors and speech so as not to reveal our suffering. We hide and isolate because our thinking and communication abilities don't function smoothly. We battle ourselves on the inside because we want to demonstrate our best capabilities, but we've been dealt what feels like a losing hand in life.

I understand. I experienced an intensely difficult childhood and I still suffer from PTSD symptoms to this day. However, I have been a student of energy work for a long time, and a teacher of MIRRORING COMMUNICATION PRACTICE for several decades. What I want you to know is that by understanding this practice and engaging in mirroring through coaching and classes, you may experience an awakening about yourself that feels like meeting someone deeply important to you: your authenticity. Mirroring helps you create your life in every interaction, transforming every relationship, taking back your mind and discovering a key to uplift your mood. 


My want is to be the best professional help you've ever received. I want you to experience mirroring in a way that lets you come away from an hour of coaching saying, "That was the best session I ever had." I want you to gain facility with the sending and receiving of mirroring, that you may feel pride in who you really are, feel as if you are finally moving in the right direction, and demonstrating a kind of personal power that you can own because of ongoing practice. Bravo to you, in advance. 


 a moment that led to the writing of my book, THE ZEN OF SOLO TRAVEL: A JOURNEY FROM ANXIETY TO ENLIGHTENMENT,  and one that unfolded into becoming a coach and offering teaching and training about mirroring, a structured communication practice that allows us to be present to who we really are, and be fully aware of the partner who is in front of us in any moment in our lives. 

Mirroring helps us to improve our thinking, how we communicate, and to shift our understanding about relationships in  life and at work. It gives us a sense of relief, new confidence, deeper understanding of others, and a compassionate ability to know ourselves in ways that cultivates us clarity, power and direction. 

 work is about helping people. It may be teaching a coaching client how to recognize and trust their own intuition, wisdom and authenticity. Or teaching a workshop on mirroring communication to create positive energy and wellbeing. 

My approach is simple: I see people for who they really are.  We can act from that place in our smallest interactions and in our biggest decisions. I help create that structure that guarantees your intuition to shine and feel seen. 

I've been teaching this work for more than a decade with people from both coasts and beyond. I've helped leaders, executives, entrepreneurs, philanthropists, techies, rockstars, retirees, psychotherapists, holistic healers and artists. 

Wherever you fall in this spectrum, I hope that you see yourself as a willing partner with me in this joyful learning process of empowering energy through listening. Thank you for reading and for being you. I'm here to help. 

- Michael Jason Sherman, MA 

* Certified Imago Dialogue Coach and Educator.

* 13 years professional experience giving workshops and trainings.


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Wandering Traveler

Private Coaching for Personal Transformation

"Michael has helped me to open up to my deepest truths. I live from that place today."

- Chad C.,  4th degree Aikido Blackbelt, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Teacher and Yoga Instructor 

Corporate Wellness Consulting and Training
for Communication and Leadership

"Michael's methodology is brilliant. His workshops are inspiring and grounded in daily life." 

- Hope Stanger, Holistic Health Counselor

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Nature Reflecting on Crystal Glass

Experience The Power of Mirroring for Yourself.

Choose your best path of learning with Michael and begin with a Free 20 minute session. 

For Personal Healing and Transformation or for Corporate Wellness, Leadership and Communication Training.

Bridge Over River


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HEALING MOMENTUM: Workshops on Leadership, Communication and Well-being.

"I loved it. This class is so needed. So deep. It's magic."

- Chanie T., Healing Momentum student and graduate of the solo journey coaching process.

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"Expertly weaves Eastern philosophy, vision questing and universal spiritual principles. This book presents a method - a 'meditation of motion'."

    - Barry Vissell, MD, co-author, with his wife Joyce, of 6 popular books / Shared Heart Organization.

Shop for Michael's book and powerful, transformational workshop recordings and series. 

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"Beautifully done." 

Amanda Pollock, Professional Reiki Practitioner.

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